Monday 13 June 2016

A weekend of getting to know a new member of the H2 team " Beryan" ( The Cornish Calstock Van) and learning to swim and surf.....Making the most of time with the family #goodtimes #exploredreamdiscover #miniadventures #makeyourownhappiness #simplethings

Sunday 22 May 2016

And now the dog has a new girlfriend.....Izzy dog from Portugal has rocked his world.......

Saturday 21 May 2016

Playing with the HART team.

Chance to navigate for the Polaris last night. Casualty successfully evacuated from the moor. Top team -work. These guys keep the adventures flowing.................

Thursday 28 April 2016

So today we took to the water in "Veracity" ...the boatyard workhorse that will bring cargo back up the Tamar and into the village of Calstock....My first traditional sailing experience and I think I'm in love...;) ....#sailcargo #greentravel #noengine #lovethisplace #H2adventures #exploredreamdiscoverH2

Tuesday 26 April 2016

New armwarmers and H2 kit hits the trail........testing out the trails for the new guide to my fave runs! #H2adventures #getoutside #dostuff #livelearn #keepaskingquestions

Tuesday 12 April 2016

So what was meant to be a gentle trot around the Tavy 13 with the Hogs turned out to be a faster,  knee thrashing run!!....good to be back on it today and cracking around the familliar cornish lanes of the valley.
Tavy 13..... the conclusion...a cracking little route if you like road running...and me... ill never be a road runner....

Friday 8 April 2016

Another day of Boatyard this place...

Tuesday 29 March 2016

H2 Adventures

H2 Adventures........the adventure begins #H2adventures #lovelife #exploredreamdiscoverH2

Sunday 13 March 2016

So my old dog mate and I hit the moor this morning and put down 13miles. Should have been easy, but my legs weren't playing today and I can feel every step and every gradient....exhaustion has final caught up with me and as much as I want to smack it into wont go. After a month of late nights and early starts my 41 year body is kicking my ass.....demanding more sleep, less crap....fitter, leaner.....recovery needs to start now..
Still the sun shone and the moor looked spectacular, only ruined  somewhat by the presence of many others; I still breathed in the air deeply and felt the space around me healing my soul.. #loveoutside #naturalmedicine
Training this morning on a wonderful warm spring morning. Discovered that the tuggy might be the way forward, even got a hide and seek game working with a woof! Top pup....all moving in the right direction #longwaytogo #sardatraining #obidience #dartmoor

Saturday 12 March 2016

Looking forward...........

Time to shake down the trainers, dust off the motivation and catch up on some sleep....its been an interesting 6 months, the future is bright, it's changing and it's full of challenge and adventures....lets start the journey and keep the blog....#loveoutside #dostuff #runfree #adventuredog #keeplearning #askquestions