Wednesday 30 August 2017

So my first over 40 mile run (since May) complete...and a success! I can walk the following day:) Thonk maybe the stopping for burger and chips halfway helped..I have a new event strategy!!

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Back from a great SARDA weekend on DArtmoor. Aven passed her/our indication test, finding 4 blind bodies and showing me where they lay in the woods with a dramatic "woof" , very proud of her and her progression to stage 2!

Lots off work ahead of us now, playing with the big boys and girls! Time for me to start working, learning how to give her the chance and confidence to perhaps become a SAR dog.

 Not sure how we will progress, the journey is certainly full of emotional highs and lows, many hours of training, depends whether I am strong enough to ride the storms and finish the challenge, whether Aven has the innate drive to work; whatever the outcome, love time with this girl.